Grounded in the assurance your battery will perform.

You depend on your radio to stay in constant contact with your team. But can you depend on its battery to endure static electricity? One strong shock can fry circuitry and zap a battery–a probability when you’re in dry, cold weather, doing repetitive tasks, or exiting your vehicle.
Not a risk for KENDOO batteries. We design our batteries to better resist electrical jolts and prove it by testing them against our competition in the same grueling conditions you’d expect at work, so you can be assured your work will never be short circuited.
See how we’re proven tougher than the rest
The Method: Using the same standards set by the International Electro-technical Commission (IEC6100-4-2), electrostatic discharge tests were conducted for both contact discharge (10 discharges each at three different voltages, up to 8kV of both positive and negative polarity) on each battery contact and for air discharge (10 discharges each at five different voltages, up to 15kV of both positive and negative polarity) per the standard.
The Inspection: Each battery was inspected after every 10 discharges and failed if it did not charge or power up.